GA4 Q&A: Where do I find my utm_content dimension in GA4?


UTM parameters are essential tools for digital marketers to track the effectiveness of their campaigns. While Google Analytics 4 (GA4) provides powerful insights, finding the UTM content dimension can be challenging. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of accessing and utilizing the UTM content dimension in GA4.

Understanding UTM Content:

UTM content is a versatile parameter that can be used for various purposes:

  • Display remarketing: Track different ad sizes or variations
  • Email marketing: Differentiate between links within the same email
  • Advertising campaigns: Monitor specific ad content performance

The Challenge in GA4:

While GA4 easily displays UTM source, medium, and campaign information, accessing UTM content is not straightforward. The cross-channel filters in GA4 prevent UTM content from appearing in the primary or secondary dimension areas of standard reports. utm_content_cross-channel-filters

Solution: Creating a Custom Explore Report To overcome this limitation, we need to create a custom Explore report.

Custom Explore Report

  1. Navigate to the Explore section in GA4
  2. Start a new exploration
  3. Add the following dimensions:
  • Session manual ad content (This contains your UTM content information)
  • Session manual source and medium
  • Session manual campaign name utm_content_explore_dimensions
  1. Add relevant metrics such as:
  • Sessions
  • Purchases
  • Purchase conversion rate
  1. Set up filters as needed (e.g., medium contains "email")


Analyzing Your UTM Content Data: With your custom report set up, you can now analyze your UTM content data effectively.

This report allows you to:

  • See how many people clicked on specific links or ads
  • View total sessions generated by each piece of content
  • Analyze purchase conversion rates or key event conversion rates
  • Assess the effectiveness of different ad content

Advanced Reporting

For more detailed analysis, you can create a version of the traffic acquisition report by adding additional metrics such as: utm_content_explore_traffic_report

  • Engaged sessions
  • Average session duration
  • Events per session
  • Session key event rate
  • Total revenue

Remember, "key events" in GA4 is the new term for what was previously called "conversion rate."


While creating a custom Explore report might seem like extra work, it's a one-time setup that provides valuable insights into your marketing efforts. By properly tracking and analyzing UTM content, you can continually improve your campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

If you have any questions about setting up UTM content tracking in GA4 or need help with other GA4 features, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy analyzing!


Google's URL Builder Trionia's UTM Best Practices Guide

About the author

Jay Murphy


Jay Murphy is a digital analytics expert and founder of Trionia, where he specializes in transforming data into actionable insights for large and mid-sized businesses. With over thirty years of experience and a passion for Google Analytics since its inception, Jay has honed his skills to bridge the gap between technical data analysis and strategic business planning. An educator at heart, he has developed and taught comprehensive digital marketing courses at both the undergraduate level and within organizations, enriching minds with his deep understanding of the digital analytics landscape. His career, which began in systems analysis for spacecraft guidance, has evolved through roles that blend technical acumen with strategic vision across various sectors, including Fortune 500, Higher Education and Non-Profits. Certified in Google Analytics since 2011, Jay's leadership at Trionia has spearheaded successful online campaigns and innovative marketing strategies, underlining his commitment to leveraging data for growth. Jay's approach goes beyond the numbers; he's a storyteller who uses data to drive business success, making him a pivotal figure in the digital marketing world.